Sitemap - 2022 - RealBestLife

2023 - A year for discernment

The 12 Goats of Christmas - Lyra and Apple

The 12 Goats of Christmas - Pressed for Time

The 12 Goats of Christmas - Lemony Moon Pie

The 12 Goats of Christmas - Kiara

The 12 Goats of Christmas - Sweet Pea

The 12 Goats of Christmas - Bella

The 12 Goats of Christmas - Cookie

The 12 Goats of Christmas - June

The 12 Goats of Christmas - Altalita

The 12 Goats of Christmas - Spotlight

The 12 Goats of Christmas - Stabby

The 12 Goats of Christmas - Lucecita

Lying is hard for people with goldfish memories

Holiday parenting is damn hard

Let it snow, let it go, let it snow

Why is everyone so lonely?

The two kinds of friends

The goats that saved me

Uphill, both ways, in the snow, for a California roll

A "stunt" turkey

Breaking the ice - literally

Rocky the Chicken Jerk

How do you give a bird mouth-to-mouth?

You don't have to be what you've always been

Weird calls to the farm

Where do these whole people come from?

A letter to my (slightly) younger self

Falling into fall

On accepting outliers like a GOAT

The more things change

Instagram "farmfluencers" are mostly liars

Jail Break

Expectation management

It's aliiiiiiive

the key to success is just being cringe

All elbows and knees

Buy that chest freezer

guinea chicks, yellow jackets are the devil, and it's time for breeding

The darkest game of catch and release

I wanna hold your ham

The apple trees remind me I still don't know what I'm doing

Dead ducks

My best friend is a wet/dry vac

Deeply Thankful

Ace the Wonder Cat

A Constant State of Low-Grade Humiliation

The Negative Spaces

I'm gonna miss this

Gas station whiskey and a drunken goat breeding

Precedented times

Like a sacrificial lamb

Some weeds never die

A thousand words

It's more fun with friends

Who you gonna call?

How would Jesus honk?

Aspiring to live in a van by the river

The rain comes down

It's time to go small

The work that feeds me (literally)

I can't help the formula moms

Thank you for inviting me

Motherhood is the best disaster

And then the light went out

Sweet dreams are made of cheese

Little goat, big feelings

That time I took a dead fish from the preschool

The eggs I want to party with

Is this helping or not helping?

Deleting the asterisk

Substantively unserious

The days are long, but the years are short

Weird moms build character

The kangaroo is on the loose

and you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"

Spring is sprung

In John Deere green

On beautiful endings

I'll take an angry goat over a frozen one

It's ok to be first-hand food curious

On vacation

Selection bias and the stories we tell

Lies, damned lies, and statistics

Well, that was terrifying

Where the f%$& are the goat babies?

The waaaiting is the hardest part

Baby goat watch commences . . . now

Anticipation, planning, preparation and then nothing

Don't sound the alarm

And finding comfort

Getting uncomfortable

My spirit animal: the fat bottomed farm duck

Bella the star fights imposter syndrome

The chickens I want to party with

Life wasn't designed for tepid showers

Even the coldest days are fulfilling

New Year, Same Me