Sitemap - 2023 - RealBestLife

A $3,000 trash tree

Big Blue

Smashing pumpkins

Low-fat goat cheese is a brick of sadness

The bitter cold work

The happiness pie

The world still spins - even on fire

Everyone's a relativist - even a goat

The One Pest Farmers Can't Handle

That last ray of light on the distant horizon

The goat military industrial complex

The Big Audacious Goal

The insanity incentive

The five-minute hundred-hour latch

The Purpose of Cute

A chicken spreads herself thin

It's the little things that make a life

Peonies in the long run

Rage against the surveillance state

Lefties are the besties, chicken-eating pigs, and parmesan espresso martinis

A to-do addiciton

Greening up after ice cube rain

That one time I went to Cambodia

Time is money - and they aren't making more time

Argyle rainbow cheese baby goat bourbon barrels

Raising our kids to fight Skynet

Everything is gross

It costs a lot to eat this cheap

Bathroom DIYs, there's not much room under a cow, and I can't believe it's no calories

Meet your new weirdo mom-friends with interesting hobbies

An Origin Story

The beer in the back of the fridge

What's next?

A heart in darkness

Evil baby milk sharks

Ponies have babies

The space between

Two-thousand worms in the closet

Eat your friends

Girl, calm the hell down

Butterscotch the indoor chicken

On green grass

The predators will come

Why aren't my chickens laying any eggs?

Zooming off camera

Could a robot replace me?

The story is that there's no story

The threat is coming from inside the house

Bonus Wednesday Goat Pics

Siri, what was 145 days ago?

Don't choke

Falling at 40

A Butter Bird

If chickens were the size of dinosaurs, they would eat us all

deep cuts and crazy expensive animal food

A little red trailer