Drowning in pumpkins
Florida girl, here. Took me reading another post to figure out that you’re in Colorado, so all those pumpkins won’t be smelly rot in 24 hours. 😂
But, seriously, this was a very sweet post. I’ve been a caregiver to my spouse for 11 years. Asking for help is THE hardest thing. I understand.
I am glad your pumpkin recycling harvest was plentiful. People really can surprise us. ❤️
Ha! Yes, it's pretty chilly here so the pumpkins will last.
Thank you for the nice note! I'm sure you know better than most.
It's hilarious and so great. I am loving it. Thanks again! 😘
Florida girl, here. Took me reading another post to figure out that you’re in Colorado, so all those pumpkins won’t be smelly rot in 24 hours. 😂
But, seriously, this was a very sweet post. I’ve been a caregiver to my spouse for 11 years. Asking for help is THE hardest thing. I understand.
I am glad your pumpkin recycling harvest was plentiful. People really can surprise us. ❤️
Ha! Yes, it's pretty chilly here so the pumpkins will last.
Thank you for the nice note! I'm sure you know better than most.
It's hilarious and so great. I am loving it. Thanks again! 😘