Been here from day one - and was an avid Ladybrains listener [your MK chat made me nostalgic] - I'm still waiting on your Home Grown Year book of essays on the experience, advice for novices and recipes!! In the meantime I'll happily support you here.

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Happy I found your newsletter in the Notes “introduce yourself “ thread. I’ve had a large urban vegetable garden for decades in Central Texas and know the reality of both the costs of growing your own vegetables and the value of spending that time and money for a different level of food that you pull out of that garden. I’m looking forward to reading about your journey with the whole nut including animals in urban farming.

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I’m enjoying your newsletter a lot and was moved by your piece last week about your dad. I’m an empty nester who filled my nest with animals and regained my identity as a horsewoman (my first sport & love). My husband and I also had major midlife shifts. Managing manure & irrigation ditches is now a big part of our lives, for which I’m so grateful. Your newsletter is a powerful reminder that life has many chapters and we can get out of ruts.

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